EPOS system review for bars, restaurants, cafes and other hospitality businesses
The world of EPOS may seem daunting, especially when you may not have even opened your café, pub or nightclub or served your first customer yet. The good news is that as EPOS technology develops so do the options available. Tills are no longer a simple way to process and log orders. The increasing number of EPOS options available to businesses means more options, flexibility and customization when selecting the right one for one. From tasks including stock control, payroll and staff time all integrated across EPOS systems it allows businesses to me more streamlined and efficient with operations.
Whether you are searching for EPOS systems for pubs, restaurants, cafés or other businesses within the hospitality sector it’s important to make sure you have a system that suits your business both for now and in future.
Our dedicated team of experts at Merchant Advice Service specialise in the following areas of hospitality EPOS;
Epos systems for pubs and bars
Be it a local small freehold pub, a larger chain or franchise – EPOS systems can be adapted to ensure, profit margins are increased. If you are searching for pub or bar point of sale system, these can be pre-programmed with drinks lists and more specifically all ingredients to mix certain drinks such as cocktails – enabling stock count and individual prices to be calculated. Pre-programmed bar point of sale software saves time when installing new systems and can often be integrated with existing booking systems.
Epos systems for Restaurants
It is important when choosing a restaurant EPOS system that it is well matched to your company’s needs. We can help you with that but, essentially, the things to consider are whether you are looking to abolish the need manual orders on pen and paper then transferred to the kitchen which often leaves room for human error, or a smaller system that offers other functions to support your business. There’s a number of options available to ensure restaurant EPOS systems enhance customer service and create a smooth transaction for all involved. Finding the best restaurant EPOS and software can be tricky, especially if it’s new so if you need help then our experts can guide you through – call us today!
Epos systems for cafes
Till systems for cafés are often scaled down versions of restaurant POS, however some café owners require extras, such as barcode readers to scan and sell products. Depending on the size of the venue café POS systems work with kitchen printers, table plans, and deposit systems just as restaurant ones do. Some cafés prefer a tablet-based system which provide a lot of the same software as complete solutions.
Epos systems for hotels and function facilities
EPOS systems are especially useful when they integrate with existing booking systems. This streamlines most of the operational matters and some EPOS can also integrate with apps and website to make sure it covers all consumer touchpoints within the business.
Takeaway EPOS systems and tracking
If you’re searching for a takeaway EPOS system you may feel that finding something to meet all your business needs can be costly. However, investing in equipment that can save customers details and phone numbers, not only saves time but also money. Having access to customer data can also help focus marketing strategies and increase repeat custom.
Different types of systems available
Cloud based EPOS are becoming increasingly popular. Information can be assessed from anywhere with an internet connection, taking the strain off the back-office work involved in running any hospitality business. Cloud based POS systems have increased in popularity over the last decade – and the options available have evolved as part of this growth too.
So let’s look at the options available…
Depending on the size and location of your business, we will help you to find the most suitable EPOS to meet your needs.
IPad and Android based systems
If you are a smaller enterprise or start-up looking for a wireless POS system for a restaurant then this system could work well. It often runs the same software as the larger, more complex hardware available but the benefit of this solution is that the system is portable, enabling orders to be taken at the table. This type of EPOS is usually also compatible with cash draws and printers.
Complete solutions
complete-solution-eposThe approach to ‘front of house’ customer service has improved in recent years. EPOS systems are much more sophisticated and are able to service customers much more efficiently. What’s more, restaurant point of sale, allows a ‘clock in and clock out’ system, making payroll a simple exercise and staff can be prompted to ‘upsell’ products. Stock control and orders are streamlined and cashing up also becomes much easier for till systems and general processing.
Industry specific solutions
Running a booking system alongside an EPOS system can sometimes complicate processes. Merchant Advice Service has software available for hospitality businesses that provides a combined package, helping to streamline operations. These systems integrate with apps and there’s also cloud based and mobile options available to streamline processes further. Click on the links of the different industry types above for more information.
How we can help you hospitality business
The growth in EPOS technology in recent years has meant customized packages are both more common and more available. If your have specific business requirements that are more complicated than usual, there’s a bespoke option out there. At Merchant Advice Service we work with programmers and developers to create custom designs for businesses based on their specific needs.
Processing fees on merchant accounts can be small but this depends entirely on your businesses unique circumstances, as well as things like contract length. Average credit card processing fees for restaurants and other hospitality outlets can vary considerably depending on the size of your average transaction, but at Merchant Advice Service we can advise you on options based on your individual needs to make sure you get the best deal. Get in touch today for a no fee, no obligation quote.